
What’s For Dinner? Week of November 4, 2013

Week of 11/4/2013
White Bean Chicken Chili
I am trying a quick recipe for this so I’ll let you know how it goes…Apparently only 7 ingredients and quick!  Workout tonight after work so it needs to be!
Shredded Beef with onions and mushrooms, broccoli and sweet potatoes
I’ve got TWO gym classes after work today so I’m gonna be HONGRAY by the time I get home!  Will have to load up on some pre-workout protein to hold me over!
Baked pork chops with pepper brown sugar smashed carrots
Totally made this carrot recipe up as I was typing this…workout tonight!
Turkey burgers with (real) bacon bits and shredded cheese on whole grain sandwich rounds with green beans
I used to buy the Kraft Fresh Takes to add to my burgers, but now I just add the bacon bits and cheese and whatever I have on hand at home, and it saves some unnecessary calories.  Mix in anything you’d like:  spinach, feta, seasonings, bbq sauce…possibilities are endless!

Timesaver tip:
I buy the 20oz package of lean ground turkey and this makes about 5 good-sized burgers, they freeze beautifully and I eat them for lunch all the time!
Dinner out
Vacation starts at 4:30pm – WHOOP!!

For breakfast this week, I’m planning my usual veggie egg scrambles, Ezekial English muffins and probably some whole grain waffles with peanut butter and fruit.  For lunch, I made a yummy whole wheat pizza that I’m sharing on the blog tomorrow, so pop back over for that recipe!  Also, will probably be having leftovers since we’ll need to clean out the fridge for vaycay!
Have a great week!

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