There’s Life Beyond Dieting
Discovering Balance Series Part 10.
There are other things that have been instrumental in my recovery. I’ve reduced my social media usage, unfollowed people and accounts that make me feel bad about myself. I’ve limited my time with certain people in my life, and I’ve found my tribe of people who support my efforts. I’m in recovery and likely will be for a very long time.
I’ve given up dieting and the pursuit of weight loss. Let’s be very clear, that doesn’t mean I have given up caring about my health. It means I’ve chosen to turn my back on a culture that tells me I’m not good enough in the body that I have. I stopped tracking workouts, food and my weight.
I’ve gained a new lifestyle, one where I engage in activities that bring me joy, and food that makes me happy, with friends and family I love. I’m finding happiness in everyday living, remembering what is important, without the worry of weight. No foods are off limits. When you stop labeling foods as forbidden, they begin to have less power over you. It takes practice but it works.
My life is a happy medium. I’m discovering balance. I try to remember how far I’ve come, because it’s easy for me to forget. Finding food and exercise freedom has been one of the hardest and yet most rewarding parts of the entire process. Regardless of where I’ve been on the weight spectrum, the happiest I’ve been is where I am now. My body has settled where it is happy. My smaller body didn’t carry me over a half-marathon finish line, THIS body did.
I’m passionate about sharing this message with others. If you have been following my journey, I’m so happy to have you here. If these messages resonated with you, I hope you know how valuable you are to this world. Sharing my story is a dedication to you. May you always find beauty and strength within yourself to conquer any obstacle you come across or any dream you have. You are worthy and you are enough, just as you are today.
Please follow along as I continue to share messages of my recovery, intuitive living, and body positivity. There’s life beyond dieting.
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