Stop Waiting For Someday
This past weekend I spent some time doing something I haven’t done in a very long time. 8 years in fact. Most of my very close friends know that I love to paint. I honestly love being creative in general. So when I was invited to craft night, I went, and I had the best time.
It got me thinking about how long it’s been since I’ve spent time relaxing that way. I honestly don’t remember the last time. For so long my spare time was consumed with working out, menu planning, counting calories, macros, steps, movement…I stopped making time for things that truly brought me joy.
Of course some part of me knew that I missed those things, but mentally I kept telling myself that once I got to my goal weight, I’d get back to them. 8 years have passed since that time. 8 years. I haven’t painted or spent time being creative or really sat and enjoyed much of anything in all that time. My life and brain were consumed with being “healthy.” Anything I did beyond that was time that could be better spent trying to lose weight. Sit and watch TV? Not me; I only “allowed” myself TV at the end of the day if I walked in place while doing it…even if I had worked out already.
This weekend I laughed with new friends that are quickly becoming old friends. I quieted my mind and just enjoyed the moment. I allowed myself to be creative. When I think about how much time I wasted waiting for some arbitrary future date to arrive to start enjoying my life, it makes me sad. But it also makes me grateful that I am here today, able to get back to it.
We are not promised 8 years. We are not promised 8 minutes. Let’s not waste another one of them thinking we aren’t worthy of joy RIGHT NOW. I’m reclaiming my time and my energy and focusing on things that make me feel good. I’m consciously removing things that stress me out or make me feel bad about myself.
Stop putting off what makes you happy, for someday when you feel you’ll deserve them. You deserve those things right now. Today, this very moment.
Which hobbies bring you joy?
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