Slow Down. Rest.
Discovering Balance

Slow Down. Rest.

I used to look forward to Mondays. Monday was the start of a new week for me.  A day to reset my goals and “get back at it.” The weekend brought temptation; Monday brought structure.

Society Praises The Grind.

Society praises the grind and I bought into it. I let it fuel my behavior. I loved bragging about how busy I was. I posted my workouts on social media; I took pride in declining lunch dates and after work get togethers with coworkers and friends – I just had TOO much to do!  In truth, what I was really bragging about was my disordered relationship with eating and fitness. 

We take pride in being SO busy.  Work is busy, family calendars are filled, gotta get the workouts in, gotta eat healthy.  If there is time in the day to rest, we fill it. And when we aren’t busy, we feel guilty about what we “should” be doing. The more productive, the better. We scroll through social media and compare ourselves to the PERCEIVED busy, exciting lives of everyone else.

A Busy Lifestyle is Toxic.

The thing is, a busy lifestyle eventually catches up to us. It’s toxic. Our bodies crave rest.  The low energy feeling you get when you are dragging in the afternoons is your body begging you to slow down. Our immune systems need rest to refuel and to keep us going.

There are reasons many European countries on average are healthier and happier than we are here in the US: they prioritize rest. They work less, take more vacations, take their time and enjoy meals. The people of Denmark celebrate rest and comfort. Search “Hygge” for some ideas.

Our Bodies Crave Rest.

This time of year, our bodies physiologically crave rest. They’re preparing for shorter, colder days with less sunshine. We have less energy. If you’ve ever wondered why you feel more tired during these months, that’s why! Listen to your body. It takes practice but I guarantee that incorporating more rest will only feel good.

We need to change our mindsets and embrace rest. It’s time to slow down. You don’t need to “get back at it.” It’s perfectly okay to sit still and to rest.

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