Grilled Radishes and Brussels Sprouts
I’ve been trying really hard lately to focus on clean eating which I think is all the rage nowadays, but that’s not why I’m doing it. I needed a healthy way of eating that would work for both Hubs and I and this one seems to be it. Honestly, I have no idea what I’m doing, but basically I’m focusing on eating lots of veggies and lean meats, as well as being sure that when I eat complex carb type foods, I’m eating them in whole grain forms like sprouted bread, etc.
Now, I know there are TONS of experts out there and I’ve been trying to learn all I can, but I’m not going to do something that’s complicated. My basic summary (take it for what you will, but really, find what works for you!): eat lots of veggies, eat lean meats, drink tons of water, eat less sugar, eat less white things and more brown things.
SOOOO, in my quest to get those veggies in, I’m looking for NEW ways to eat them…and I decided to try to think outside the box.
I love radishes & I love Brussels sprouts!! So, I decided to grill them…brilliant, right??!
I’d seen some recipes for roasting them and that’s what intrigued me because I’d never had “hot” radishes…if you can roast stuff, you can certainly grill stuff, so there you have it…a natural transition. I’m so glad I tried this! The radishes get this great caramelization going which brings it to a whole ‘nother level.
And the best part: WAY EASY and WAY QUICK.
10-15 radishes (depending on size, some of mine were humongo), washed and stems removed
20-25 Brussels sprouts, washed with butt ends removed
Misto spray or olive oil (about 1 tsp)
garlic powder or seasoning, salt & pepper, to taste
If you are using wooden skewers, soak them in water for about 15 minutes.
Preheat your grill to medium high.
For larger radishes, cut them so that all of the veggies are about the same size.
Alternate the veggies on the skewer like so:
Spray both sides of the skewers and sprinkle with seasoning, salt & pepper.
Place the skewers onto the grill and grill for about 4 minutes on each side or until the veggies char up a bit.
Once they are cooked to your liking, remove them from the grill and enjoy!
See?? EASY and QUICK!
Serves 4 – 2ish skewers each
Calories 74 / Carbs 11g / Fat 3g / Protein 4g / Fiber 4g / Sodium 185mg
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