Our Body Size is Not Within Our Control
Discovering Balance Series Part 7
Orthorexia research led me to an article on Health at Every Size and to a research paper by Linda Bacon, “Weight Science: Evaluating the Evidence for a Paradigm Shift.” The entire article provides conflicting study data challenging so many of the ideas and health advice we’ve been given by medical professionals. Personally, I’d discovered answers to every single question I had about why my own efforts had stopped paying off on the scale.
I read as much information as I could. SO many research articles and data about our body’s set point, and how physiologically devastating diets are to our health. Our bodies will always fight to be where it needs to be to keep us alive. Those set points are different for every single person alive. There’s scientific proof that going on a diet may initially result in weight loss, but over time, your body needs less food to live, which in turn lowers your metabolism. Often irreversibly. Check out the Biggest Loser study for detailed info.
It was eye opening. I discovered this whole group of Health at Every Size (HAES) and Intuitive Eating advocates. There were podcasts and Registered Dieticians who supported health SEPARATE of weight loss. I was so inspired!
Suddenly, I had found my purpose. I quickly changed my Graduate studies focus to a concentration in Health and Wellness. Everything I had been taught in school and my whole life, suddenly came into question. Did you know that more than 50% of physicians have admitted to blaming weight issues on their patients and have negative feelings about people in larger bodies? It angered me.
I had to use this knowledge and my voice to challenge the mainstream message. I wrote my dissertation on the negative effects of dieting and weight bias in society. I had a degree to complete but honestly, I wanted to start my own journey to healing and recovery. I needed to break free from the dieting death grip that’s held me for almost all my adult life. I wanted to live a life free of restriction. I wanted to find joy in good food and joyful movement again. It was a completely radical idea. And a lonely one.
Next I share thoughts on my recovery.
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